There are plenty of poker myths out there, but today we’re going to focus on the ones that can actually cost you money.
Without further delay, let’s discuss some poker myths that we all need to stop believing:
Poker Myth #1: You Have To Play The Highest Stakes To Be A Solid Player
Many people on the sidelines don’t believe you’re a good poker player if you’re not playing the highest stakes possible. This is one of the more persistent (and untrue!) poker myths out there.
Real solid players know that the loosest money moves around the room. You could have a tech executive calling down every bet at a $2/$5 table one night, and the next night he could be at a $25/$50 table.
You want to chase the loosest money around. You’re trying to increase your bottom line as much as possible. You’re not trying to get the respect of people who can’t wash their hoodie once a week.
Poker Myth #2: You Have To Quit Your Day Job To Be A Solid Player
For years, the only thing I did for money was play poker. It sucked.
It’s difficult to be loose deep in a tournament if your family is depending on your winnings for groceries. It’s hard to sleep at night when you’ve been on a bad run for months and you’ve got bills due.
Every poker player says they want to diversify into business endeavors. Why not just start with other endeavors and play poker seriously on the side?
If you have other irons in the fire, it’s much easier to see the game with impartiality. If you have a day job waiting for you back home, you know the bills are going to be paid regardless of what happens. This is a powerful place to play poker from.
Poker Myth #3: You Have To Bluff Constantly To Be A Profitable Player
I play a lot of online poker. Against people who are taking the game somewhat seriously, I love to spam over-bet bluffs into the pot. This move catches regulars off guard. If they’re confused and have a mediocre hand, they’ll fold often.
However, not every game requires constant bluffing. If you’re in a loose home game where no one ever folds, then you can wait for premiums and bet the hell out of them. It is a boring way to play, but it will turn a profit.
If no one is ever folding to you, then why would you bluff? If they’re going to hand you free money with your Aces, then take the free money. It all spends the same anyway.
Poker Myth #4: If No One Respects You Then You’re Not A Good Player
The final poker myth I will share is about respect. Most people on the sidelines believe that all the good poker players are known quantities. They expect every good poker player to be recognized immediately when they enter the cardroom.
This couldn’t be further from the truth. If a poker player finds a juicy home game, they can make money hand over fist. However, no one outside of that home game will know who they are.
Additionally, poker players are not exactly known for having the strongest egos. If you regularly beat them, then they will be annoyed with you. They will justify your wins by saying you run well.
It’s common to hear recreational poker players say they want to be respected in the cardroom. However, most of their opponents will only respect their game if it looks exactly like their own. If you’re trying bluffs and calls they’d never try, then you’ll be holding up a mirror to their game. They won’t want to accept that maybe they have to make some changes in the way they play. They’ll instead say you’re reckless and lucky. This excuses them from hard work and self-reflection.
Don’t worry about getting pats on the back. Focus on your own game and your own bottom line. You’ll end up making friends with real players at some point.
Looking for more good advice from Head Pro Alex Fitzgerald? Read his article on 5 Common Tells to Spot a Bluff.